Thursday, May 17, 2007

Crisis over.

Just as I start to complain, things return to normal. What was with those crazy couple of days? My rage boluses are now, quite rightly, sending me packing into hypoglycemia purgatory. I'm no longer on an elevated basal rate (mostly because I forgot to extend the temp rate last night), but I woke up at a pleasant 85.

I think diabetes was just having a laugh at my expense. Ha. Ha. Haaaa.


Scott K. Johnson said...

Glad to hear you're back to normal!

Tesney said...

Now I'm in the same boat! I had several 300's yesterday. Today's no better. And Aunt Flo just left last week so I can't even blame her.

Anonymous said...

And so it goes, eh?

It's a constant struggle, but for whatever its worth, I do check in at your blog every now and then because there's always a few pithy (I've always wanted to use that word!) comments that can make me snort and chuckle here at my desk.

Kendra said...

tdavis - Sorry you're in such a crappy boat! FWIW I am still using more insulin than normal these blood sugars aren't taking the top of my head off, but I'm not happy. Maybe it's time to raise my basal rate again...

tfafi - :D I read your blog for INSPIRATION...that A1C is knock-yer-socks off awesome. And "pithy" is such a weird word; it connotates flaky, soft, perhaps even "full of holes," but the definition is entirely different!